Red chilli flakes are a popular spice made from dried and crushed red chilli peppers. They add a fiery kick to dishes and are commonly used in various cuisines worldwide, adding both heat and flavour. Whether sprinkled sparingly or generously, they can elevate the taste of everything from pizzas to pasta, soups, and stir-fries.
Red Chilli Flakes(சிவப்பு மிளகாய் கட்டர்/சம்பல் தூள்) -1kg
රු1,300.00 -
SaleRed rice is a whole grain rice variety known for its striking red colour and nutty flavour. It retains its bran and germ layers, making it more nutritious compared to white rice. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, red rice is valued for its potential health benefits, including promoting heart health and aiding in digestion. It has a chewy texture and is commonly used in salads, stir-fries, and pilafs, offering a visually appealing and flavorful alternative to traditional white rice.
Red rice-1kg
Original price was: රු230.00.රු220.00Current price is: රු220.00. -
Red rice is a nutrient-rich whole grain known for its reddish-brown color, which comes from its high anthocyanin content. This type of rice retains its outer bran layer, making it rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It has a slightly nutty flavor and a chewy texture, often used in a variety of dishes for its health benefits, including promoting heart health and aiding digestion. Red rice is popular in many cuisines and valued for its antioxidant properties and nutritional profile.
Red Rice(சிவப்பு அரிசி)-1kg
රු210.00 -
Salt is a crystalline mineral substance composed mainly of sodium chloride (Na-Cl). It is one of the most widely used and essential seasonings in cooking, valued for its ability to enhance flavour, preserve food, and balance sweetness and bitterness. Salt occurs naturally in seawater and salt mines but is also produced through evaporation or mining processes. It comes in various forms, including table salt, sea salt, kosher salt, and Himalayan salt, each with its own texture, flavour, and culinary uses. In addition to its role in cooking, salt is also used in food preservation, seasoning, and as a flavour enhancer in a wide range of cuisines worldwide.
රු80.00 -
Samaposha is a nutritious and popular food product from Sri Lanka, made primarily from a blend of roasted and ground whole grains, including corn, rice, wheat, and soya. It is fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, making it a well-balanced source of nutrition. Samaposha is often consumed as a breakfast cereal or as a quick and filling snack. It is known for its convenience, affordability, and high energy content, making it a favorite choice among individuals looking for a wholesome and convenient meal option.
රු400.00 -
SaleSantoor Soap is a popular beauty soap renowned for its unique blend of sandalwood, turmeric, and natural oils. It's crafted to gently cleanse the skin while imparting a lingering fragrance and promoting a soft, radiant complexion. With its nourishing ingredients, Santoor Soap is favored for its moisturizing properties, leaving the skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after each use. Trusted by millions worldwide, it embodies a harmonious fusion of traditional herbal remedies and modern skincare innovation.
Santoor Soap(சந்தூர் சோப்)
Original price was: රු175.00.රු165.00Current price is: රු165.00. -
Raw rice refers to rice grains that have not undergone any processing beyond harvesting, meaning they haven't been milled or had their husk, bran, or germ removed. In this state, raw rice is typically inedible and requires cooking to become suitable for consumption. It serves as a staple food in many cultures, with various cooking methods producing a wide range of textures and flavors.
Shakthi Muththu Raw Rice(பச்சை அரிசி)-1kg
රු220.00 -
Red rice is a whole grain rice variety known for its striking red colour and nutty flavour. It retains its bran and germ layers, making it more nutritious compared to white rice. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, red rice is valued for its potential health benefits, including promoting heart health and aiding in digestion. It has a chewy texture and is commonly used in salads, stir-fries, and pilafs, offering a visually appealing and flavorful alternative to traditional white rice.
Shakthi Muththu Red Rice(சிவபஂபு அரிசி)-1kg
රු240.00 -
White rice is a whole grain rice variety known for its striking red colour and nutty flavour. It retains its bran and germ layers, making it more nutritious compared to white rice. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, red rice is valued for its potential health benefits, including promoting heart health and aiding in digestion. It has a chewy texture and is commonly used in salads, stir-fries, and pilafs, offering a visually appealing and flavorful alternative to traditional white rice.
Shakthi Muththu White Rice(வெள்ளை அரிசி)-1kg
රු220.00 -
HotIntroducing Shalight Detergent Powder, your go-to solution for powerful cleaning performance in every wash. Our specially formulated detergent powder comes in a convenient 400g pack, designed to tackle tough stains and leave your clothes fresh and clean with every use.
Shalight – Detergent Powder(சாலைட் டிடர்ஜென்ட் பவுடர்)- 1kg
රු300.00 -
SaleToothpaste is a dental hygiene product used to clean teeth, freshen breath, and maintain oral health. It typically comes in a tube and contains ingredients such as fluoride, abrasives, and detergents. These ingredients work together to remove plaque, tartar, and surface stains from teeth while preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Toothpaste also often includes flavouring agents to provide a pleasant taste and leave the mouth feeling refreshed. With regular use as part of a daily oral hygiene routine, toothpaste helps to keep teeth and gums healthy and promotes overall oral hygiene.
Original price was: රු320.00.රු310.00Current price is: රු310.00. -
SaleSoya meat, also known as textured vegetable protein (TVP) or textured soy protein (TSP), is a meat substitute made from defatted soy flour. It has a fibrous and chewy texture similar to meat, making it a popular choice for vegetarian and vegan dishes. Soya meat is highly versatile and can be used in various recipes, including curries, stir-fries, burgers, and stews. It's a rich source of protein and can be flavoured and seasoned to mimic the taste of different meats, making it a nutritious and satisfying alternative for those looking to reduce their meat consumption or follow a plant-based diet.
Soya meat -1kg
Original price was: රු800.00.රු650.00Current price is: රු650.00. -
Soya is a versatile and protein-rich product made from soybeans, commonly used as a meat substitute or protein source in various dishes. It is typically available in different forms such as chunks, granules, or textured pieces, and can be seasoned and cooked in a variety of ways to mimic the texture and flavor of meat. Raigam Soya is a popular choice among vegetarians and those looking to incorporate plant-based protein into their diet, offering a nutritious and sustainable alternative to animal products.
Soya(சோயா)- 1Kg
රු950.00 -
SaleSoya is a versatile and protein-rich product made from soybeans, commonly used as a meat substitute or protein source in various dishes. It is typically available in different forms such as chunks, granules, or textured pieces, and can be seasoned and cooked in a variety of ways to mimic the texture and flavor of meat. Raigam Soya is a popular choice among vegetarians and those looking to incorporate plant-based protein into their diet, offering a nutritious and sustainable alternative to animal products.
Soya(சோயா)- 1Kg
Original price was: රු720.00.රු650.00Current price is: රු650.00. -
SaleSun pappadom, also known as papadum or papad, is a thin, crisp Indian flatbread made from lentil flour or chickpea flour. It's typically seasoned with spices like cumin, black pepper, or chilli powder and then dried in the sun or deep-fried until it puffs up. Sun pappadams are commonly served as an accompaniment to meals, providing a crunchy texture and a burst of flavour. They can be enjoyed plain or with various dips and chutneys.
Sun pappadam-1 Packet
Original price was: රු90.00.රු70.00Current price is: රු70.00. -
SaleSunflower coconut oil is a unique blend of sunflower oil and coconut oil, offering the benefits of both oils in one product. It combines the lightness of sunflower oil with the richness of coconut oil, creating a versatile cooking oil with a mild flavour profile. It's suitable for various cooking methods, including frying, baking, and sauteing, and it's often chosen for its high smoke point and potential health benefits.
Sunflower Coconut Oil-1L
Original price was: රු1,610.00.රු1,480.00Current price is: රු1,480.00.