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  • Indulge in pure bliss with our Butter Cake. Moist and tender, with a rich, buttery flavor that melts in your mouth with every bite. Baked to perfection and topped with a delicate hint of sweetness, it's a classic treat that's perfect for any occasion or simply to satisfy your sweet cravings.

    Butter Cake

  • Butter cake is a classic and indulgent dessert made with simple ingredients like butter, sugar, eggs, flour, and baking powder. The buttery richness gives this cake its moist and tender texture, while the sugar adds sweetness and a golden crust when baked. Butter cake is versatile and can be enjoyed plain or enhanced with flavourings such as vanilla, lemon, or almond extract. It's often served as a treat for special occasions, afternoon tea, or simply as a delightful dessert to satisfy a sweet craving.

    Butter Cake 1 kg

  • Experience pure decadence with our Chocolate Cake. Moist, rich layers of chocolate sponge cake, generously filled and frosted with velvety chocolate ganache or creamy frosting. Each bite is a heavenly delight, perfect for indulging your sweet tooth and celebrating life's special moments.

    Chocolate Cake

  • Chocolate cake is a decadent dessert beloved for its rich and indulgent flavour. It's made with basic ingredients like flour, sugar, eggs, butter or oil, cocoa powder, and leavening agents such as baking powder or baking soda. The cocoa powder gives the cake its signature chocolate flavour, while additional ingredients like chocolate chips or ganache can intensify the richness. Chocolate cake can vary in texture, from dense and fudgy to light and airy, depending on the recipe. It's often enjoyed on its own or with a scoop of ice cream, whipped cream, or a drizzle of chocolate sauce for an extra touch of decadence.

    Chocolate Cake 1 kg

  • Transport yourself to a tropical paradise with our Coconut Cake. Moist and fluffy layers of cake infused with the delicate flavor of coconut, frosted with creamy coconut frosting, and finished with a sprinkle of shredded coconut for a delightful texture. It's a taste of sunshine in every bite, perfect for bringing a touch of island bliss to any occasion."

    Coconut Cake

  • Fruit cake is a dense and moist cake loaded with candied or dried fruits, nuts, and spices. It's made by mixing a batter of flour, sugar, butter or oil, eggs, and often includes a variety of dried fruits such as raisins, currants, cherries, and citrus peel. Spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves add warmth and depth of flavour to the cake. Fruit cake is typically baked slowly at a low temperature to ensure even cooking and prevent it from drying out. It's often enjoyed during festive occasions like Christmas or weddings, and can be served plain or with a layer of marzipan or icing for added sweetness.

    Fruit Cake 1 kg

  • Sale
    Magic Ice Cream is a delightful frozen treat that captivates with its unique presentation and flavours. Often served in liquid nitrogen, it transforms into a creamy dessert right before your eyes. This process creates a velvety texture, making each bite an enchanting experience. Magic Ice Cream comes in various flavours, from classic vanilla and chocolate to exotic options like mango . With its whimsical presentation and delicious taste, Magic Ice Cream is a delightful indulgence for ice cream lovers of all ages.

    Magic Ice Cream-1L

    Original price was: රු520.00.Current price is: රු490.00.
    Original price was: රු520.00.Current price is: රු490.00. Add to cart Quick View
  • Experience the pinnacle of sweetness with our Pyramid Cake. Layers of moist cake, carefully stacked to form a mesmerizing pyramid shape, adorned with luscious frosting and decadent toppings. Each slice is a taste of luxury, making every celebration truly special and unforgettable.

    Pyramid Cake

  • Roll cake, also known as Swiss roll or jelly roll, is a light and fluffy sponge cake filled with a layer of sweet filling, such as whipped cream, fruit jam, or frosting, and then rolled into a spiral shape. The sponge cake is made from a batter of flour, sugar, eggs, and sometimes a touch of flavouring like vanilla extract or cocoa powder. Once baked, the cake is carefully rolled while still warm to prevent cracking and allow for easy shaping. Roll cake is often served sliced, revealing the beautiful spiral pattern inside, and can be enjoyed as a dessert or a sweet treat with tea or coffee.

    Roll Cake 1 kg

  • Delight in simplicity with our Sponge Cake. Light, airy layers of soft sponge cake, delicately flavored and perfectly moistened for a melt-in-your-mouth experience. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with your favorite toppings or fillings, it's a timeless classic that's sure to please every palate.

    Sponge Cake

  • It seems like "Turkey Sweet" could refer to a dessert or sweet treat made with turkey as the main ingredient, possibly something similar to a sweet turkey jerky or candied turkey bacon. However, it's not a common dish and might be a regional or cultural specialty.

    Turkey Sweet
